
The Ayinza Project
In 2012, a Bridge a Life team of 15 people traveled to Uganda. As a result of that trip, 25 acres of land was committed to Bridge a Life for the purpose of community development.
Over the years, as we have waited to attain land title, God has been preparing us to develop the acreage in the best way possible. Initially, we believed some of the land use should include a babies' home and children's village. However, after sending two teams a year to Uganda for many years, we have discovered that there are very few true orphans in Mpongo and, thankfully, they are all being cared for by family. This discovery, among others, has given us the time we needed to build relationships with the people of Mpongo, working alongside of them and allowing them to lead in the development of their own community. This time of waiting has also afforded us the opportunity to focus on vital programs that don't rely on brick and mortar, such as the School Lunch Program, Child Sponsorship Program, Agricultural Training, and Hygiene and Sanitation Initiative. We still believe that future land development will include a school, medical center, community center/church, and special needs/flexible housing for families. In the meantime, we will continue sending two teams a year to Mpongo for the purpose of providing Christ-centered hope for children with relational trauma through awareness and family support.
Engineering Ministries International
We are partnering with Engineering Ministries International (eMi) to develop a master plan and drawings for the 25+ acres of land that have been donated to Bridge a Life for the Ayinza Project. eMi is a worldwide Engineering ministry with an operating unit in East Africa eMi has facilitated many projects similar to Ayinza. Their reputation for quality Christ centered work is unparalleled!

Short Term Trips
Do you have an interest in serving in Uganda, Africa? Twice a year Bridge a Life trains and sends a team to the village of Mpongo. Trips are 10-14 days long and the purpose of each trip is contingent upon team members' giftedness and interest, as well as current needs of the community. Contact us to learn of upcoming trips.